My name is Evan Cleveland and I am a computer science major at Georgia Tech, with intentions to graduate in May 2027. This portfolio will showcase my professional and personal achievements, projects, and interests. This site is continuously under construction, so keep checking in for updates!
Git && GitHub
For the past few months, I have been working with PictureMenu, an early stage startup that offers an alternative to standard QR Code restaurant menus that simply load a pdf.
My directive was to prepare the app for a partnership pitch with a commonly used point of sale system. This includes planning the workload and timeframe of POS integration as well as making aesthetic changes and prototyping new features.
Using Javascript and Node.js I have implemented a basic ordering system to be integrated with Point of Sale, which will drastically increase the app's value.
Using React.js I have made the graphic changes that you can see below:
For about three years in high school, I worked as a musician at a local church.
I was in charge of maintaining musical equipment, running small group performances, and maintaing a system to keep various files organized.
Object Oriented Programming
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Probabilistic and Statistical Methods
Discrete Mathematics
Physics I and II
As part of my coursework, I will be working in a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) Team. My team is named The Robot Collective consisting of Dr. Sam Coogan, Dr. Sean Wilson, and about twenty undergraduate students.
The project has just begun, but my role will likely be to integrate new robots with the Georgia Tech Robotarium using Raspberry Pi OS and Arduinos.
Recibot is a tool that I built using Python, Google Gemini AI, and the Selenium Library that is primarily a web-scraper and recipe generator.
The script opens the Publix weekly sales ad, and parses the html in order to list the items that are on sale in each category. Users can then choose to score recipes that they have entered or generate a recipe using the Gemini API, which does require a private API key (instructions in the README).
The app is currently molded to my needs, but could easily be adjusted to be more customizable. Check my github to try it yourself!
A fun math and coding challenge to deal with abnormal coordinate systems.
In the last week before the Fall 2024 semester, I have used Javascript to develop a functioning Two Player Chess game.
I am now working on implementing functions and board design to create the Three Player version of the game, and a grid system to use as the basis for validating moves.
Once this is complete, I hope to clean up the UI and implement online multiplayer!
Data Structures and Algorithms - Learning implementation of data storage and searching
Computer Organization and Programming - Building computer components from transistor level in circuit simulator and coding in C
Programming Objects and Design Principles - Learning design principles such as Agile and XP, working with a mentor that acts as a client for a group project
Simulations (Fluids & Traffic), Artificial Intelligence (Computer Vision), Cybersecurity, IoT.
Drumming - I have been drumming for about eight years, so music is an integral part of my life.
Rock Climbing - For me, climbing is a great way to get out of the house with friends and test my physical limits.
Nature - As much as possible, I try and get out into the world and appreciate what is before us!.